[an error occurred while processing this directive] Eric Church Surprised Fans With Soulful Stagecoach Performance ::antiMusic.com [an error occurred while processing this directive] [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Eric Church Surprised Fans With Soulful Stagecoach Performance


Eric Church Surprised Fans With Soulful Stagecoach Performance
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(EBM) In what he calls "the most ambitious set of his career," Eric Church surprised Stagecoach's crowd with a disruptive, unexpected performance on Friday night (April 26th).

His seventh time playing the festival - and fifth time headlining - he took the sold-out crowd back to the foundation of where it all started for him musically. With an acoustic guitar and a 16-person choir that included longtime collaborator Joanna Cotten, the 75-minute non-stop Gospel-influenced set opened with "Hallelujah" and included covers "Take Me To The River," "Stand By Me," "Danny's Song" and "Gin and Juice" threaded with tones of Mr. Misunderstood's "Mistress Named Music" and Heart & Soul's "Heart On Fire" throughout creating a full-fledged Outsiders revival, only to be concluded by his band rising from beneath the stage to join on the final few songs.

"This was the most difficult set I have ever attempted," Church admits. "I've always found that taking it back to where it started, back to chasing who Bob Seger loves, who Springsteen loves, who Willie Nelson loves, you chase it back to the origin. The origin of all that is still the purest form of it. And we don't do that as much anymore. It felt good at this moment to go back, take a choir and do that."

On the boundary-pushing set, Church adds, "For me, it's always been something with records, with performances, I've always been the one that's like, 'let's do something really, really strange and weird and take a chance.' Sometimes it doesn't work, but it's okay if you're living on that edge, because that edge, that cutting edge, is where all the new guys are going to gravitate to anyway. So if you can always challenge yourself that way, it always cuts sharper than any other edge."

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News > Eric Church

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