[an error occurred while processing this directive] Singled Out: Hannah Anders' Grandma's Hands [an error occurred while processing this directive]

Singled Out: Hannah Anders' Grandma's Hands


(Day In Country) Hannah Anders just released her new single "Grandma's Hands" and to celebrate we she tells us the deeply personal story behind the inspiration for the song. Here is the story:

I was sitting by my grandmother's side, in her final hours, holding her hand, and saying goodbye. How could I say goodbye to her? This force of nature, this incredible woman who had taught me to play the piano and sing. My Grandmother, who hadn't missed a single important moment in my life since the day I was born and who had championed me and prayed for me my entire life, was leaving this Earth, and I found it hard to catch my breath and let go one final time.

As I looked down at my hand holding hers, I thought of all the things her hands had done, all the cakes they had baked, and scraped knees they had bandaged, the hands they had held, the hugs they had given, and I knew at that moment, I'd never really let go. She'd be holding my hand every day now, just in a different form.

Grandma's Hands is a love letter to my grandma and to anyone we have had to let go of who has carried us through with grace, love, and an unwavering sense of loyalty and support. 'Her children will rise up and call her blessed.' And so we have."

Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more about Hannah here

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