(BMA) Nashville-based, country singer/songwriter Jordan Moore is nothing if not charismatic. His emotive presence on stage is enough to melt the hearts of his audience with just a wink and a smile. A born front man, his voice subtly moves from sultry low tones to smooth powerhouse high notes, with a range outmatching most other male country artists. With roots in both country and rock, he knows how to entertain an audience with high energy while at the same time telling down to earth, heartfelt stories through his lyrics. This is particularly evident on his upcoming single "Damn Good Time," releasing August 13, 2024.
Moore states, "'Damn Good Time,' written by myself, Zane Fisher, and Wally Montgomery, effectively captures the essence of a fun-filled, carefree weekend with friends out in the country. This song conveys the blueprint for having a classic backwoods, southern party. When writing this song, my fellow songwriters and I wanted to create an up-tempo party song with a southern touch. It wasn't even an hour later until we were tracking it."
Born and raised in the small town of Lowell, Michigan, Moore's earliest memories are immersed in music. Lowell, a small town, sporting a total of only two stoplights, was known as "the farm town" to surrounding areas. "Growing up in the country gives a person a lot to be inspired about." Jordan's music career took him all over the world, traveling around theUnited States and all the way to Thailand and Cambodia. He realized he was justas much inspired by the people in the world as the world itself.
His senior year of college, Moore started the rock band, Sargent Avenue, with his brother in law and a couple of friends. After gaining traction with local Michigan radio station, WGRD 97.9, as well as news station, WOOD TV 8, they were soon featured at MTV's EXIT concert in Thailand, playing for crowds of over 15,000 people, to raise awareness for Traffic Jam, an organization that tries to put an end to human trafficking.
The youngest of five children, Moore has always known the world is bigger than him. "I grew up in a very musical family, helping with praise and worship in church for as long as I can remember." His father gifted him with his knowledge and love of music early on, teaching all his siblings and him to play instruments as early as they could hold one. He took to the guitar and microphone instantly. Moore's father had to give up his dream of playing music as a career, to make a living for his family. His father's sacrifice is what inspires him to never give up on his own dreams.
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