(ALL NOIR) Portuguese dark metal pioneers Moonspell will be streaming their first-ever symphonic show, entitled Opus Diabolicum, at the MEO Arena, Lisbon, Portugal's capitol city on October 26, 2024.
Where the power of the Moonspell metal meets the magnitude of the classic by the Lisbon Sinfonietta Orchestra, one of Portugal finest orchestras, with 45 musicians on stage, conducted by maestro Vasco Pearce de Azevedo, will be streamed worldwide! The show will also be recorded for a future release on DVD/Blu-ray and live album via Napalm Records.
Don't miss this unforgettable event, where the band will make history, adding a magnificent chapter not only to the band's own biography, but as well as to the metal music made in Portugal! While the first balcony at their upcoming symphonic show is already sold out and only less than 100 tickets remaining for the Golden Circle, now, you can also enjoy it at the comfort of your own home! Virtual tickets and bundles are available via https://moonspellshop.com
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