(aM) Michael William just released his new single "What's Wrong With You" and to celebrate he tells us about the track. Here is the story:
I wrote this song and released it at this time due to the urgency of the message. The future of our country is at stake and I wish all Christians to pay attention to the lyrics, pray about the message and participate in the upcoming elections. The acoustic sound and tempo of the song will get your foot tapping and your heart beating for the LORD and for our country.
The urgent announcement about loving GOD, family and country is the central theme of this song. It's an observation, a statement and a call to stand up for CHRIST, all in the same message. The statements are clear, concise and to the point with a rhythm that will please.
The simplistic approach is real and convincing. The presentation is a far cry from most attempts to relay a theme so controversial at this time. It's a call for self reflection, re-affirmation of core values and a revitalization of your faith in CHRIST. Peaceful participation in our country is the crux of the matter.
LORD willing this song will make a difference in our hearts, our homes and in our country. Kindly pray that it will!
Hearing is believing. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen and watch for yourself below and learn more here
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